How To Pex Quickly On New World - quickly

We present here our guide for PEX quickly on New World. The idea is to list many tips and tips to facilitate your leveling. So, even if you do not want Rush this first part of the adventure, it may be interesting to discover some tips that will make you simpler life during your many hours of Pexing on Amazon MMO.

As a reminder, New World will be available from August 31 on PC.

Why quickly do its leveling on New World?

If a lot of players will want to take their time for Pex on New World, some prefer to finish this stage of the game. In both cases, our guide will allow you to realize your level of level in better conditions, even if you are not looking for to press you.

For those seeking to go quickly, the interest is multiple:

  • Quickly start the HL content
  • Being farming of mass resources and thus mounting craftsmanship
  • PVP and actively participate in the fight between factions
  • enjoy an early advantage to win gold (via the activities listed above)

main story or secondary quests?

As in any mmo, the next question is still relevant: should we follow the main quest or chain the secondary quests for Pex quickly?

As a result, you will lose a lot of time moving away in the world via secondary quests, urban projects or faction quests. In addition, the quests in the main history will give better rewards and usually more experience. Thus, try to promote logical progress by following history more than scattering on secondary quests.

pex in PVP mode?

Although PVP mode brings a bonus of 5% bonus to experience, we recommend not activating it if you play alone. Indeed, the problem of activating PVP mode lies in the attitude of the players. Generally, you will fall on groups of players, characters with a higher level or people seeking to fight you only when you are in trouble.

Therefore, do not activate this bonus only if you are moving in a group or if you are very confident in your ability to hold.

We prepare well and easily find the objectives of the quests

The first tip, whatever your level of play and your style of play, is to prepare yourself in order to advance quickly and efficiently in the adventure. Even if you do not necessarily want Speedrun the Level of New World, know how to use tools to quickly find quest objects is important for the rest of your life on the game.

Thus, we recommend that you regularly use an interactive Map of the game to find the locations of the objects and thus, better you move around the world. In particular, you can see our guide on the map of New World to better control the options of the interactive map.

In addition, Remember to empty your inventory as soon as you can so as not to be overloaded during a quest. The more your equipment exceeds your maximum transport capacity, the higher the malus of travel speed. It is particularly possible to buy a house to use it to deposit more resources and equipment. You can also sell your stocks in the counter.

How to move quickly on New World?

Since the world is great, it is important to know the tips and tricks in order to quickly move from one point to another. Thus, several options are available to you.

I have reached the end game on Deadman Mode

First, consider well Change your favorite hostel to be able to teleport you to come back more quickly in town. The idea will be to go through an inn arriving in a new city and so, power you there as soon as possible.

Note that it is also possible to teleport yourself in your home ** (if you have one), on a CD different from that of the hostel. It will be possible to buy a house from the level 15, then at level 35 and 55. Another method is to place a bivouac near a NPC or an important zone. This camp will only disappear if you disconnect some time.

If the Azoth is not a problem for you, you can even suicide you in order to reappear on one of the points close to your next quest. Thus, you drown or leave a mob you kill you will reappear on your bivouac, in your house or in the hostel you have identified.

What weapon use for pex quickly on New World?

Whether you are in a group or alone, we recommend using a hatchet. The latter allows to unlock the Berserker talent tree. Inside, you will find a buff greeping you a speed gain. This 20% bonus is quite incredible since it does not include any negative effect. From then on, you can be able to spam as soon as it is available to move you as quickly as possible from one point to another. Also from the third point of talent, you will also unlock a liability allowing you to recover a% of your health points. A very convenient double bonus for cutting and facilitating your level of Leveling. So much for our guide for PEX quickly on New World, via tips to improve your experience during the Leveling phase of the new MMORPG. For more info and guides on New World, do not hesitate to consult all of our content on the game portal on quickly.


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