Where to find the oobsidian in Ooblets

Oobsidian is a rare resource left by brilliant oobs in ooblets. The Gleamy oobs are a unique form of oobet, just like brilliant Pokémon Pokémon. They have a different color of that of traditional oobs, and they give up a particular shine to easily identify them into nature. They also rely on a different location in your Almanac. The oobsidian they leave behind is a useful resource.

You can find oobsidian simply while walking in the city and seeing it on the floor. It usually takes a little energy to lift it and place it in your inventory, but other than that, you will not have to go too far if you have. You can find it in town, but only if it appears and it moves randomly inward and out. Some days you can find it, more not, so you will have to go back the next day. Oobsidian sometimes appears also under the rocks you destroy on your farm.

Alternatively, you can use wishes to buy oobsidian. After the second day in Badgetown, you will receive daily activities that you can realize to receive wishes. You can choose to use the wishes gained by completing badges or daily activities to buy them. A oobsidian costs 10 wishes to buy, and you can do it from your grumboire or the Wishywell in the center of Badgetown.


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