Disney app now live on PS4 and Xbox One - content - Video Peeling news, instructions, exemplary procedures, reviews and culture

15 Biggest Brands Disney Owns

The latest streaming service from mouse comes with a lot of content.

Streaming services are nowadays the last scream. In fact, it looks more like the future is a broken amount of streaming services until the reason falls out. But we'll get there a bit. Nowadays, the latest big streaming service is just started, and it could be the largest in the form of Disney.

The service was announced by the House of Mouse last year and contains a huge amount of content right away. With more than 300 films and TV shows from Disney and the now Disney-own Fox Entertainment, including those of DIE SIMPSONS, MARVEL, PIXAR and more. The probably the biggest WOW factor, however, is the big budget rieg of the Stars TV Show der Mandalorian. At some point, the service will contain more original content of War the star and Marvel too.

Disney is published for both the PlayStation 4 and the Xbox in North America and the Netherlands. Finally, until March 2020, it is introduced in other regions.

Tagged with: ps4, xbox one


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