Google was considering buying Epic Games during justice - - Epic Games

When the Court of Justice began between Google and Epic Games, you spread to the world a ferocious amount of all kinds of previously secret information behind the scenes. The latest Satsi this has got out and told the Verge that Google was considering buying Epic Games for himself out of the way. Of course, the purpose was to maintain Google's own monopoly as perfect as possible.

_ Google Has Gone So Far AS to Share Its Monopoly Profits With Business Partners to Secure Their Agreement to Fence Out Competition, HAS Developed A Series Of Internal Projects To Address The Contagion It Perceived From Efforts by Epic and Others to Offer Consumers and Developers Competitive Alternatives, and HAS EVEN CONTEMPLATED BUYING SOME OR ALL OF EPIC TO SQUELCH THIS THREAT. _

Knowledge of Kaarta The CEO of Epic Games, President of Epic Games, Tim Sweeney gone to Twitter to clarify the matter.

Secret World Legends Review - Funcom's Greediest Mistake _ THIS WAS UNBEKNOWST TO US AT THE THE TIME, AND BECAUSE OF THE COURT'S PROTECTIVE ORDER WE'RE JUST FINDING OUT NOW ABOUT Google's Consideration of Buying Epic to Shut Down Our Efforts to Compete With Google Play. _

The thick lawsuit will continue to be spoken, and Epic Games is with clubs except Google, including Apple.


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