Netflix: Further studio acquisitions conceivable - but no acquisition tour is planned

OXENFREE is a graphic adventure video game of mystery and supernatural, developed and published by Night School Studio. It was released for Microsoft Windows, OS X and Xbox One in January 2016. Later that year, it expanded to PlayStation 4 and Linux. In 2017 it was released in iOS, Android and Nintendo Switch. In Oxenfree, players take the role of a teenage girl named Alex during a weekend walk to an island. When arriving there, supernatural events begin to occur, therefore, Álex and her friends must discover the secrets of that place. OXENFREE is the first videogame developed by Night School Studio. He was influenced by classic movies of adolescents and series on physical / psychological growth of the protagonists. The developers wanted to make a videogame focused on the plot without putting cinematics, allowing the player to move freely in their surroundings. The visual presentation of the video game unites dark, organic characteristics and analogue elements with digital and distorted effects. The musician Andrew Rohrmann, Alias ​​SCNTFC, composed the soundtrack of the videogame, which has a digital music production technique along with retro tools as cassette recorders. The release of Oxenfree was accompanied by a documentary about the development of the game, an alternative reality game and a collection edition. The video game received positive criticism on the day of launch. The critics applauded the presentation and characters, however, there were those people who were unaccuracted with the delivery. He was nominated for several prizes including the best narration during the 2016 The Game Awards.

At the end of the past month, Netflix s leaders announced the acquisition of the developer studio Night School, which made a name for himself in the past with Oxenfree .

In a recent opinion, Netflix s Chief-Operating Officer Gregory Peters once again went to this topic and pointed out that his company faces further acquisitions. However, however, Netflix wants to go eleentulous to works here, and in his opinion, it is considered to refrain from acquisition tours, as they put in the past companies like the Embracer Group or Tencent on the day.

Netflix in search of matching opportunities

Again, it will be opportunistic, Gregory Peters responded to the question of further acquisitions. Well, I would say, we do not expect that we go here for a shopping tour or similar. This will be one of the tools we use, and we will use it opportunistic if there should be a great opportunity outside.

on the subject : Night School Studios: Netflix takes over the OXENFREE makers

To take over the Night School Studios: We are very happy about this team, especially because the core of their work really is to try to explore the history and narration essentially as a central game mechanics. And we think that s very, very good to fit what we try to do.

It was great to get her to boot and participate and hear her thoughts and ideas. And I assume that it will be a kind of rich partnership in the coming years, it said finally.

Source: Videogames Chronicle

Further messages to Netflix.


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