Rumors are intensified on the remaster and the sequel to Bloodborne

Since the beginning of this year the rumor that we would have a remaster of Bloodborne for PlayStation 5 2021 is coming to an end and we still do not know None of this, however, lately these rumors have gained strength and it seems that we will not only have a remaster, but also a sequel for the new console of Sony.

Colin Moriarty, who previously affirmed that BLUEPOINT GAMES was working on Bloodborne 2, said this study is also working on the remaster of this game. Apparently, they will first launch the remaster and then they will dedicate all their efforts in the sequel. In the most recent episode of the podcast Sacred Symbols, Moriarty said the following:

Bluepoint are going to relaunch Bloodborne for PS5, as far as I understand. But we will also have a direct sequel that will arrive after the remaster.

Recall that BLUEPOINT is already an official part of the PlayStation Studios, and not just that, but that your next project would be something completely new and original. We do not know if Bloodborne count as something like that, but it will definitely be interesting to know what this study has prepared for the future.

Editor s Note: At this point, you could say that it is almost a fact that some of these two things happen. There is a lot of demand for a Remaster of Bloodborne and do not say about its sequel, so it would make sense that Sony is encouraged and decided to launch any of these two products. In case of being true, we hope to have the official announcement soon.

Via: Comicbook


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