The Witcher 3 para PS5 y Xbox Series X

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt has been one of the most important videogames of the last decade, and a proposal that has directly influenced the industry and the approach and approach of open worlds. Now, the title of CD Projekt Red prepares your arrival at the new generation, and it is possible that your date of premiere is closer than we think.

This indicates the fact that this week has been included in the European age classification body , Pegi. In it are the versions of PS5 and Xbox Series X | s, specifically within the game edition of the year. This usually happens when a game is close to its launch, something striking in this case by not knowing any approximate official date.

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Some are relating this news with the imminent arrival of the second season of the Netflix series, which will be released on the platform on December 17. It could be a good occasion for the game fans to be interested in the series and those who have known the franchise thanks the production of Netflix dared to test the title.

It will include new content related to the Netflix series For now, of this new version we only know that it will include all the downloadable content plus some new ones related to the series, which will also reach the previous generation. At the technical level, you will have visual improvements , will be compatible with Ray Tracing technology and will significantly improve your loading times in consoles.

The third numbered delivery of the adventures of Geralt de Rivia did not leave anyone indifferent at the time, and this new version can be an ideal occasion to throw the glove if we have not yet had the opportunity. In our analysis of The Witcher 3 we stressed that it is an essential title, one of the most lavish and recommended RPGs of recent times.


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