Meeting of metabus and gameization, actually looking through real cases

The Korea Gaming Research Institute will open the first international organization conference in the Suzhou Hall History Culture Museum of Seoul National History Culture Museum by December 16th to 17th.

The Metaverse: How it will end the Internet

This conference that Seoul is sponsored by Seoul and the game, the conference is the industry, game, and share information about organization business and domestic professionals, share information about organization.

On the 16th, Hungary Benchmark. Games David Silage CEO 'the evolution of scientific recruitment through organization, evolution development of gymnastics', Greek Owing, Chias Bartholomew (Ilia's Vartholomaios) CEO' I will announce it as a topic. The two companies are developing a game in overseas.

Eight of the experts announce the case of domestic organization. The first session starts with the 'Investment Session of the Metropolitan Securities Kim, Urban, and the Direction of Metropolitan Government, Direction of Metabus and Games, Change ', Yew Suing University, Lee Joe Hong, says,' Game of the Metropolitan Games', Gaming of the Metabus era on the met averse and organization.

In the second session, the Game of the SI of the Oriental Systems Kim Tae-hyun's professional committee, 'Gammy', 'Finance of Finance', SK Eco Plant Kim, SK, It is the themes of the psychological compensation and meaning of the Bandeau Cultural Research Institute.

On the 17th, the Netherlands Brand New Game Bart Hollow CEO is the Evolution of Branding and Marketing Management through Games, the Netherlands Estranged Albert Van Dutch (Albert Van Her Meet) Dutch announces game an example.

Then, in the theme of Korean games related to games, RPG Republic Lee Jae-young's game and social culture, Mega John Claude Hwang Jae-won, Mega Bus and Cloud ', Hyung Min University Hong Hi Leon Vice President of Hyung Min University, Metropolitan Vice President, Announces the 'game of academy' of 'Academy'.

In Session 2, the Gammy Poisoning Using Online Game Level Design in Session 2. Intel Korea Along Teamwork's 'Gammy Phil and AI Workload', Utah Plus Interactive Jingle Representative 'Imaginary Reality Making Platform', Platform Making Imagination, Share the expansion example.

I am glad to introduce overseas successful organization examples, and experts in various industries in Korea, said Korea's Representative, said, I hope that the interest in organization is increasing, and I hope it can be an instrument of recognition conversion.

Meanwhile, this conference can adhere to a mask wearing mask, social distance in accordance with Corona 19-defense rules, and only 50 patients can attend the field. Gammy Hillary Torque Official YouTube is also available online.

For more information, see the International Gaming Conference Official Homepage.


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