New World: The number of players is still in descent after three months

This listing of Android games listings video games out of the Android operating system (specifically existing on numerous mobile phones and also tablet computers tactile). For a worry for consistency, the checklist utilizes the French names of the video games, if this name exists.

A month ago in New World, Sternum was still torn by the thirst of power with almost 400,000 players daily, a pretty decent number after the launch of an MMO. At that time, New World was the game more played in Steam, except that these good times seem to break with a downward curve that is reduced to the number of players at 145,000 in the highest hours. According to the statistics provided by Steam, the game does not have a very good health since the player's progression curve is only decreasing and falling into chopping.

less than 100,000 players in mid-December

As shown in the diagram that we will offer you then we can see that, in fact, New World is being played for only 100,000 players. On the one hand, the number is maddening for the number of servers that is still 485. Fortunately, the merger of servers will occur on December 8, but only for a few. In Europe, we can have servers with 1,000 players yet, but others are consuming with less than 100 players in their credit. We can say it, some are in themselves a guild and little more.

The cause of the loss of players are undoubtedly ancient problems of the auction house, improvements in the hardening of crafts, experience and much more. We think particularly about the errors that have come to darken a bit the atmosphere of the game, but an important point remains a late game that is not the taste of all.

However, with the arrival of the End of the Year event, it is very likely that this curve hardens a bit. The next New World updates are crucial for the survival of the game. And let's emphasize that The state of the game will not be kept in decline forever, there will be times when some players join and others leave. The MMOs are a true Russian mountain from the perspective of the number of people playing, so you always have to be patient.

NEW WORLD Have Lost 80% Of Players! Why Players Quit? (NEW MMORPG PC)

Original of MGG FR


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