Gloomy deeds: The 5 cruelest quests in World of Warcraft

We'll tell you which quests In world of Warcraft are particularly cruel. With so many wow quests, the heroes make their hands dirty. Because in the comic world of Zeroth is so many morally reprehensible...

The number of quests from World of Warcraft is unmanageable. But in the thousands of missions that there are now in Zeroth (and other dimensions), we are not always the radiant hero. Often our character is exploited and sometimes you ask yourself at the end of a quest: I was here the evil? We want to illuminate a handful of this quite string.

The article originated from 2017. We have updated him again in early 2022.

Surely you could record any second kill quest in this list if you put it on it. After all, we travel through the world and are encountered almost at every corner to eliminate any trunk or a remanded village.

But there are some quests that remain particularly remember by their content and moral questioning. We present you the top 5 of the cruelest quests in World of Warcraft.

Do the right thing

Since the cataclysm, many areas of the classic world have changed in World of Warcraft. The formerly of war-eaten area promontory of Holland is now almost completely under control of the Horde, which starts here different projects. The mines of humans are looted and bears infected with spiders who place their eggs in the purulent wounds so that spiders can then be collected from the cadaver.

But all this fades compared to the Schlickfelden, a large camp of abandoned, which spans some farms and now serves as an experimental ground for the experiments of a crazy undead.

The atmosphere inside the walls is oppressive: sometimes one sees in the camp of abandoned similarity to a concentration camp.

In the course of the quest row, a new quo tor lights up at some point — a shovel. This starts the mission the right thing with the following words:

EW is a horrible sight. Someone has buried all people to the neck, so they look like implanted. The Rules, who apparently maintain this field of human germs, jump at regular intervals to the nearest man and eat his head!

ICR can end this here and now. Take this shovel and saves people.

The Creepiest Quest in World of Warcraft Classic (Legend of Stalvan)

Tut the right one

And the right one is in this case to hide people with the shovel. Who wants, who can free people who run away. But what if you actually have no interest in doing people? Well... then there is an alternative. Who wants, the people with the shovel can also simply head.

Horrible? Definitely. Morally reprehensible?... from alliance view, maybe.

The next page is about Murdoch and war crimes.


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