Brigandine : The Legend of Runersia met le cap sur Steam

After more than 130,000 copies sold on consoles, the brigandine tactical role play: The Legend of Runersia will try to seduce the PC public, where the followers of the strategy are not lacking.

As it has just announced Happinet, it is May 11 that the Tactical RPG developed by Matrix Software will be available all over the world on Steam at the rate of 33.99 euros, not counting the 15% discount on launch. Successor Taken by a title released in 1998 on PlayStation, robust: The Legend of Runersia is carried by the Kenji Teralada screenwriter (Final Fantasy), the artistic director Raita Kazama (Xenoblade Chronicles) and composer Tenpei Sato (Disgaeaa )

This Portage PC includes all updates made on Consoles since June 2020 and adds a CREAtion mode that is released after finishing the game. As can be seen at the end of the trailer, this mode allows the player to the player. to freely set a number of elements and play without time limit. A new game + also makes its appearance to start over a game by keeping its objects, just like some other novelties, including the display of the HP units on the battle card.

For the rest, Runersia: The Legend of Runersia is always in an old school register with its six rival nations battling for the control of the continent of Runersia, its great mechanical depth, as well as some technical austerity. Do not wait for a French location either for this Steam exit, whose game sheet should appear very soon here.

Let's Play Brigandine: The Legend Of Runersia - Part 1 - So Much To Do! Trailer



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